var ip = '';
* Copyright 2021 Jason Orban, All Rights Reserved
* Do not distribute or copy this code without express
* Written permission from the code's creator.
* Author: Jason Orban
* Website:
console.log("REV1-3 Loaded");
console.log("version 1.3");
console.log("Written By Jason Orban");
// grab the #ID of the text paragraph that holds your custom value for your review link
var urlReview = '.review_url';
var fbReview = '.fb_review_url';
var yelpReview = '.yelp_review_url';
var altReview = '.alt_review_url';
var altReviewIMG = '.alt_review_image';
var showPop = '.show_pop';
var rev_pow_by = '.rev_pow_by';
var rev_pow_by_img = '.rev_pow_by_img';
var rev_bus_logo = '.rev_bus_logo';
var rev_bus_logo_img = '.rev_bus_logo_img';
var negRevBTN = '.negRevBTN';
var locationLicense = revGetHTML(".location_id");
var locationId = revGetHTML(".location_license");
var starClicked = "";
var rsClicked = "";
var contact_id = "";
if(typeof revPage === 'undefined' || revPage === null){
var revPage = "reviews";
if(typeof SUB === 'undefined' || SUB === null){
var SUB = "";
const queryString =;
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
var getEmail = urlParams.get('email');
contact_id = urlParams.get('contact_id');
console.log("customer id = "+contact_id);
// Check email to see if it is a gmail account.
if (getEmail != null){
var isGmail = getEmail.substr(getEmail.length-9, 9);
// grab the #ID of the text paragraph that holds your CV for your referral link (after click)
var urlReferral = '.referral_url';
// add in the ID of the 4-5 Star image(s) you want to link (you can add mulitple)
// Replace the Image tag in the line below with the paragraph id of your Thumbs Up
// 4-5 Star image on this page.
var yourImages = ['.five_star_btn'];
var timedImages = ['.posBtn'];
// get your form ID
// Replace the form ID in the line below with the Form ID of the form on this page
var yourForm = ['#form-E2N2paPFg'];
// get the URL from the Pragraph text for the Review URL
//var customURL = document.querySelector(urlReview + " div p").innerHTML;
var customURL = "";
var numReviewLinks = "";
var customURLRef = "";
var reviewLinks = new Object;
if(typeof domainURL === 'undefined' || domainURL === null){
var domainURL = revGetHTML('.smart_reviews_url');
// get the URL from the Paragraph text for the Referral URL
if(domainURL != "")
customURLRef = domainURL+"/referral";
console.log("new Domain URL");
customURLRef = revGetHTML(urlReferral);
console.log("old Domain URL");
if(typeof googleReviewURL === 'undefined' || googleReviewURL === null){
var googleReviewURL = revGetHTML(urlReview);
if(googleReviewURL == ""){
googleReviewUrl = revGetHTML('.review_url');
if(typeof smartReview1 === 'undefined' || smartReview1 === null){
var smartReview1 = revGetHTML(".smart_review1");
if(typeof smartReview2 === 'undefined' || smartReview2 === null){
var smartReview2 = revGetHTML(".smart_review2");
if(typeof smartReview3 === 'undefined' || smartReview3 === null){
var smartReview3 = revGetHTML(".smart_review3");
if(typeof smartOpt1 === 'undefined' || smartOpt1 === null){
var smartOpt1 = revGetHTML(".smart_opt1");
console.log("Smart Opt 1="+smartOpt1);
if(typeof smartOpt2 === 'undefined' || smartOpt2 === null){
var smartOpt2 = revGetHTML(".smart_opt2");
console.log("Smart Opt 2="+smartOpt2);
if(typeof smartOpt3 === 'undefined' || smartOpt3 === null){
var smartOpt3 = revGetHTML(".smart_opt3");
console.log("Smart Opt 3="+smartOpt3);
if(typeof usingReferrals === 'undefined' || usingReferrals === null){
var usingReferrals = revGetHTML(".usingReferrals");
if(typeof gmailToGoogle === 'undefined' || gmailToGoogle === null){
var gmailToGoogle = revGetHTML(".gmailToGoogle");
if(typeof negRevLinkText === 'undefined' || negRevLinkText === null){
var negRevLinkText = revGetHTML('.neg_rev_link');
if(typeof fbReviewURL === 'undefined' || fbReviewURL === null){
var fbReviewURL = revGetHTML(fbReview);
if(typeof yelpReviewURL === 'undefined' || yelpReviewURL === null){
var yelpReviewURL = revGetHTML(yelpReview);
if(typeof altReviewURL === 'undefined' || altReviewURL === null){
var altReviewURL = revGetHTML(altReview);
if(typeof altReviewImgURL === 'undefined' || altReviewImgURL === null){
var altReviewImgURL = revGetHTML(altReviewIMG);
if(typeof showPopVal === 'undefined' || showPopVal === null){
var showPopVal = revGetHTML(showPop);
if(typeof rev_pow_by_val === 'undefined' || rev_pow_by_val === null){
var rev_pow_by_val = revGetHTML(rev_pow_by);
if(typeof rev_bus_logo_val === 'undefined' || rev_bus_logo_val === null){
var rev_bus_logo_val = revGetHTML(rev_bus_logo);
if(rev_pow_by_val != ""){
revLoadImage(rev_pow_by_val, rev_pow_by_img);
if(rev_bus_logo_val != ""){
revLoadImage(rev_bus_logo_val, rev_bus_logo_img);
// check to see that the review links have been populated, if they are
// add them to the reviewLinks object
if (googleReviewURL != "" && googleReviewURL.length > 10){
reviewLinks["google"] = googleReviewURL;
if (fbReviewURL != "" && fbReviewURL.length > 10){
reviewLinks["facebook"] = fbReviewURL;
if (yelpReviewURL != "" && yelpReviewURL.length > 10){
reviewLinks["yelp"] = yelpReviewURL;
if (altReviewURL != "" && altReviewURL.length > 10 && altReviewImgURL.length > 10){
reviewLinks["alt"] = altReviewURL;
var altBTN = altReviewImgURL;
if(smartReview1 != "" && smartReview1.length > 10 && smartOpt1.length > 10){
reviewLinks["rev1"] = smartReview1;
var rev1BTN = smartOpt1;
if(smartReview2 != "" && smartReview2.length > 10 && smartOpt2.length > 10){
reviewLinks["rev2"] = smartReview2;
var rev2BTN = smartOpt2;
if(smartReview3 != "" && smartReview3.length > 10 && smartOpt3.length > 10){
reviewLinks["rev3"] = smartReview3;
var rev3BTN = smartOpt3;
var CheckNegRevBTN = document.querySelector(negRevBTN) != null;
if(negRevLinkText != "" && negRevLinkText.length > 10){
// negative review Link
document.querySelector(negRevBTN).addEventListener("click", function(){
window.location.href = negRevLinkText;
document.querySelector(negRevBTN).style.display = "none";
if(document.querySelector(".reviewGRow") != null){
document.querySelector(".reviewGRow").style.display = "none";
if(gmailToGoogle.toLowerCase() == "yes" || gmailToGoogle.toLowerCase() == "true"){
gmailToGoogle = true;
// If the custom values are set to limit
if(gmailToGoogle == true && != "" && isGmail == "")
console.log("only adding google");
// check to see how many review sites are in Custom Values
var numReviewLinks = Object.keys(reviewLinks).length;
//loop through the review links and send to function to populate the modal
Object.keys(reviewLinks).forEach(function (item, key) {
console.log(item + " = " + reviewLinks[item]);
var defaultReview = "true";
if(numReviewLinks > 1 || showPopVal == 'yes'){
if (altBTN && item == 'alt'){
addReviewLink(item, reviewLinks[item], numReviewLinks, altBTN);
console.log("item = "+item);
document.querySelector("."+item).addEventListener("click", function(){reviewSiteClick(item)});
defaultReview = "false";
if (rev1BTN && item == 'rev1'){
addReviewLink(item, reviewLinks[item], numReviewLinks, rev1BTN);
console.log("item = "+item);
console.log("img ="+ rev1BTN);
document.querySelector("."+item).addEventListener("click", function(){reviewSiteClick(item)});
defaultReview = "false";
if (rev2BTN && item == 'rev2'){
addReviewLink(item, reviewLinks[item], numReviewLinks, rev2BTN);
console.log("item = "+item);
document.querySelector("."+item).addEventListener("click", function(){reviewSiteClick(item)});
defaultReview = "false";
if (rev3BTN && item == 'rev3'){
addReviewLink(item, reviewLinks[item], numReviewLinks, rev3BTN);
console.log("item = "+item);
document.querySelector("."+item).addEventListener("click", function(){reviewSiteClick(item)});
defaultReview = "false";
if(defaultReview == "true"){
addReviewLink(item, reviewLinks[item], numReviewLinks);
console.log("item = "+item);
document.querySelector("."+item).addEventListener("click", function(){reviewSiteClick(item)});
customURL = reviewLinks[item];
// if the page we're loading is the timed gating page - then submit the form instead of the modal.
// if(revPage == "timed"){
// timedImages.forEach(k => {
// document.querySelectorAll(k).forEach(star => {
// star.addEventListener("click", submitForm);
// // send the star rating.
// });
// });"+domainURL+"/your-referrals"+referralParams+"
// }
// if there is only one review link don't show the popup modal
if (numReviewLinks == 1 && showPopVal != 'yes'){
// go through your list of image IDs and turn them into links.
yourImages.forEach(k => {
// get the img from the image container
document.querySelectorAll(k).forEach(item =>{
console.log("item = "+item+"
var image = item;
var anchor = document.createElement('a');
// set the url of the anchor to the cutom value's URL
anchor.href = customURL;
// if we are using referrals open in new tab, otherwise open in current window
if(usingReferrals.toLowerCase() == "yes" || usingReferrals == ""){
// set the target of the anchor to open in a new page = '_blank';
}else{ = '_self';
// insert the anchor into the image element
//put closing anchor tag after image.
// wait until the page is loaded and select the image id
// yourImages.forEach(img => {
// document.querySelector(img).addEventListener("click", loadPage);
// });
yourImages.forEach(img => {
document.querySelectorAll(img).forEach(star => {
star.addEventListener("click", loadPage);
// if we have more than one reviewlink show the popup modal
// Get the modal
var reviewModal = document.getElementById("reviewModal");
// Get the element that closes the modal
var span = document.getElementsByClassName("close")[0];
// When the user clicks on (x), close the modal
span.onclick = function() { = "none";
// When the user clicks anywhere outside of the modal, close it
window.onclick = function(event) {
if ( == reviewModal) { = "none";
// Get the button that opens the modal
//var btn = document.getElementById("myBtn");
document.querySelectorAll(".five_star_btn").forEach(item =>{
item.addEventListener('click', function (){ = "block";
// check to see if we are doing referrals or not
// if we are then call loadPage if not then do nothing.
if(usingReferrals.toLowerCase() == "yes" || usingReferrals == "" || usingReferrals == "true"){
document.querySelectorAll('.reviewLinkIcons').forEach(item => {
item.addEventListener('click', loadPage);
// check to see if we are doing referrals or not
// if we are then call loadPage if not then do nothing.
if(usingReferrals.toLowerCase() == "no" || usingReferrals == "false"){
document.querySelectorAll('.reviewLinkIcons').forEach(item => {
item.addEventListener('click', loadPage);
// Fix Star CSS Issues on Mobile
var checkForm = document.getElementsByName("first_name") != null;
//var first_name = document.getElementsByName("first_name")[0].value;
//console.log("first_name = "+first_name);
console.log("Form is Missing");
// If we're using CSS Buttons with stars as backgrounds then execute the next section of code.
var btnStars = [".btnStars1",".btnStars2",".btnStars3",".btnStars4",".btnStars5"];
Object.entries(btnStars).forEach(([key, item]) => {
if(document.querySelector(item) != null){
console.log(item+" and key "+ key);
document.querySelector(item).addEventListener("mouseover", function(){starOver(key)
document.querySelector(item).addEventListener("mouseleave", function(){starOut(key)
document.querySelector(item).addEventListener("click", function(){starRating(key)});